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OLX is universally known for selling high ticket items such as real estate and cars, however if you ask anyone most have tried to sell other things on OLX like older laptops or cellphones and many other odds and ends. 

We here at OLX want the platform to act as a marketplace for everything other than cars and real estate, with millions of visitors browsing the app and website you can have a huge following with a click of a button. 

In the aftermath of the Corona Virus and global inflation as well as logistical problems, buying and selling local goods is the ideal choice for many people to cover needs that would otherwise be unmet or too pricey to import. 

This great opportunity can be the basis of a new business that can evolve from a room at home, to a workshop, and with some luck a factory even. Because at OLX we don’t only sell used items but a great deal of the products featured are actually new with no previous owners. 

So if you have some new idea for a product or service we can be one if not the main selling outlets for you! 

Take good pictures and write up a great description and label the products you want to sell in an accurate way for our filters and you can expect calls minutes after you post. 

With our delivery service in Cairo and other services, you can use to promote your goods and the assistance you would get from our dedicated sales managers you can have a trusted outlet that helps you sell without investing in an expensive store or paying salaries and overhead. 

For more details fill out this form to talk to one of our sales reps to find out about how affordable ad promotions and boosts for your business can be!

In any event, it never hurts to try, so post an item it literally costs nothing to do so but the impact can be great especially if you’re just starting out. 

Keep an eye out for more articles on how to best sell your items and make the most of your ads here on OLX.

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